Out Doors (Country Side, Forest, Deserts and mountains etc) by its very nature implies certain code of conduct to be adhered and we need to blend with these rules to make the trip safe and enjoyable for individuals and the groups. At the same time be responsible and sensitive to the local eco-system and culture.
Basic Principle of Eco-Tourism (Minimum Impact Tourism)
Leave only foot steps and take only memories.
Dos and Don’ts while going on a Out Doors trip.
before leaving for the trip kindly go through the schedule; what to carry? ; And survival check list for the event. In case of any doubt kindly clarify with Event facilitators; host or organisers.
Dos and Don’ts while going on a Out Doors trip.
before leaving for the trip kindly go through the schedule; what to carry? ; And survival check list for the event. In case of any doubt kindly clarify with Event facilitators; host or organisers.
Carry all mandatory items in the check list
Report on time for all activities / planned schedule
Follow the eco-tourism code, no littering; we take back everything we carry.
Take initiative in participating for all group activities, your team initiatives will make the trip more memorable for you and others.
Stay with the group; never cross the designated lead person and never lag behind the last person designated. Remain with the group, venturing out on your own could prove to be dangerous.
Do not shout at, harass or feed animals. Your silence will help you appreciate and enjoy the jungle environment better.
Avoid carrying radios and walkmans, the sound may not only distract animals but also you would not be able to hear / senses the beauty or the beast in the Jungle.
Unless necessary; do not pick up dead wood, chop wood or pick flowers and plants. This may seriously damage the forest ecosystem balance.
Alcohol, Drugs and Smoking.
Avoid smoking during nature trials, this could cause forest fire or also distract the animals, as their sense of smell is far greater than ours.
Report on time for all activities / planned schedule
Follow the eco-tourism code, no littering; we take back everything we carry.
Take initiative in participating for all group activities, your team initiatives will make the trip more memorable for you and others.
Stay with the group; never cross the designated lead person and never lag behind the last person designated. Remain with the group, venturing out on your own could prove to be dangerous.
Do not shout at, harass or feed animals. Your silence will help you appreciate and enjoy the jungle environment better.
Avoid carrying radios and walkmans, the sound may not only distract animals but also you would not be able to hear / senses the beauty or the beast in the Jungle.
Unless necessary; do not pick up dead wood, chop wood or pick flowers and plants. This may seriously damage the forest ecosystem balance.
Alcohol, Drugs and Smoking.
Avoid smoking during nature trials, this could cause forest fire or also distract the animals, as their sense of smell is far greater than ours.
Also avoid smoking in the transport, or during group meal session as this may be an annoyance to your companions.
Understand the Alcohol policy for respective events. Most events alcohol is not allowed.
Drugs are not allowed on any Nature Knights outdoor trips.