The Law of Wasted Effort
Do you know that lions only succeed in a quarter of their hunting attempts – which means they fail in 75% of their attempts and succeed in only 25% of them? (Less than 20%).
Despite this small percentage shared by most predators, they don’t despair in their pursuit and hunting attempts.
The main reason for this is not because of hunger as some might think but it is the understanding of the “Law of Wasted effort” that has been instinctively built into animals, a law in which nature is governed.
Half the eggs of fish are eaten… half of the baby bears die before puberty… most of the world’s rains fall in oceans… and most of the seeds of trees are eaten by birds.
Scientists have found that animals, trees, other forces are more receptive to the laws of “wasted effort.”
Only humans think that the lack of success in a few attempts is a failure… but the truth is that we only fail when we “stop trying.”
Success is not to have a life free of pitfalls and fails... but success is to walk over your mistakes and go beyond every stage where your efforts were wasted looking to the next stage.
If there is a word that summarizes this world, it will simply be; continue all over again. Never stop at any stage of difficulty. Keep moving, keep thinking, keep by trying. And above all, keep praying.
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